Lady in her younger years.

Lady in her younger years.


She, her other name

She could feel my heart strings

She could make them sing

If we all did this for each other

We would no longer need a tether

She felt my thoughts before I knew them

And through her eyes I could see me simply as a loving human.

Robin Christle

View from Mt. Hood

View from Mt. Hood

Rolling hills
Or hungry ocean
It is all in the scale, scope, and depth
And waves of emotion

And at the pace that it takes
From an instant, to geological time
That determines the perspective of the mind

And what we conclude is in front of us
And that distillation of what matters

It is fast, or slow, that helps us to determine the motion and flow, and direction

This determines the essence of the tale

It happens in the blink of an eye
Or in the blink of humanity

In between is just you and I
Loving in Infinity

Distilled thoughts by Robin Christle
December 2013