Liberty Continues along a continuous golden line of Continuity.

Gratitude generates the courage of true strength of Free Will to stand in the way of meanness and stand for the way of Liberty for all Human Individuals equally. In this way, we avoid contributing to extinguishing humanity and instead distinguish ourselves freely as Individuals joining in as a part of humanity through meaningful participation. The Individual defines themselves in selfless, non-sacrificial, acts of love and responsibility for self, others and humanity. Through self-directed acts on behalf of Liberty, our act becomes our own self evidence that we do exist as self-defined and self-Identified Individuals of Liberty with evidence of follow through of movement. This liberated individual is then free to identify with each other without limits and other separations are shone to be irrelevant. The Individual then desires to share such happiness and joy and spreads the tools and concepts of Freedom around the whole wide world. This world view of friends of Liberty all over the world makes the world vast again, a place for hope, love, peaceful advancements of, by, and for all of people and the responsibility to hold ourselves and each other together in order for us to keep our freedom. Humanity then is seen as potential friend, not foe, or faux. This process of acts of courage born of generosity, creates trust and the desire to protect Liberty for each other and self. Bringing Liberty to all equally then becomes the free individual’s common calling of life.

Robin Christle
Singer Songwriter, 2015
“Run a Golden Line Through Every Stitch and Every Time.”
Songs of Individual Freedom


High School Graduation Speech: Something for Tomorrow

Today we are standing at the end of our yesterdays and at the beginning of our tomorrows.
Our future that seemed so many miles away is here today. And with today comes the question:
Where are we going? What do we want? After we decide what we want, how do we achieve this goal?

We are all different and we all have different goals. Each of us has a different path to follow.
I believe we all have one common goal. That is, that we want something for tomorrow.
During our years of school, we often stop to think of our tomorrows, our future and what it will be like. We picture our futures as not being ordinary but extra-ordinary.
We dream of impossible dreams. We see ourselves reaching for unreachable stars.

Well today, is our graduation. The beginning of our tomorrows. Our future that we have so often thought about is now the present. Now is the time for us to make our dreams of yesterday a reality of today; so that we will have something for tomorrow. Yes, “now is the time to try this experiment, Life”.

But just because times has forced the reality of life upon us, does not mean that we have to cast aside all of our dreams. No, it means that we must transform those dreams into reality.
Henry Thoreau said it best when he said “ if you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be, now put a foundation under them.”

Yes, we must put a foundation of reality under those impossible dreams. We don’t have to worry about not reaching that unreachable star, because the important thing is that we are reaching out towards the stars. We are trying, and, at the same time, we are getting closer to that star.

Growing up as Americans, we witness every day this striving for perfection. Our forefathers wrote a constitution based on ideals and dreams of a perfect country, where all people are equal. This seems impossible, but by striving for the American dream, we have become the greatest country in the world.

Then, there is the man who said he had a dream to unite all people, black and white, in brotherhood and love, so that all could be treated equally.

This dream of Martin Luther King seemed impossible and has not yet been achieved, but by reaching for his goal, he accomplished a great deal. Looking at this, we can see that we accomplish a great deal more by striving for perfection rather than settling for less.
If we set a seemingly impossible goal for ourselves, and we strive for that goal, then we will have something for tomorrow. We realize that we must start striving today to make that dream a reality because we know that: Today well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Robin Christle
Senior Class President

[On look back, I see I grew up in a Micro-Cosmic play of Americana Heartland and Crossroads of America. Fantastic training grounds.]